Information report 2019/2020

SEND Information Report 2019/20
The following report provides information on how Crowle Primary Academy caters for the needs of those pupils identified as having Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SENDD). For further details please refer to the school’s SEND Policy.

How does school know if pupils need extra help?
At the heart of every class is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessing which takes account of the wide range of abilities and interests of pupils. The majority of pupils will learn and make progress within these arrangements. Those pupils whose overall attainments or attainment in specific subjects or other areas of development, fall significantly outside the expected range, may have SEND. 

There is an emphasis placed on the experience and expertise of the subject teacher and SENDD (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) team in identifying pupils with SEND through their observations. A range of assessment tools are used to help school identify pupils who may have may have SEND. School also receive information from parents, Primary settings and other professional agencies which help us identify pupils who may need additional support at school. Information from parents also provide school with a vital in-sight into the child’s strengths and difficulties.

What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
A parent with any concerns about their child’s learning or social, emotional development should not hesitate to arrange a meeting with the class teacher. An appropriate plan will then be discussed.

What kind of SEND does the school cater for?
Crowle Primary Academy caters for a wide range of SEND. This includes:

• pupils with more general learning difficulties

• pupils with speech and language difficulties

• pupils with social and communication needs (this may include pupils on the Autism Spectrum)

• pupils with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia

• pupils with social, emotional or mental health needs (this may include pupils with attention difficulties)

• pupils with sensory and/or physical needs (this may include mild visual impairment and moderate hearing impairment)

How will I know that the school will support my child?
School follows the requirements in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015) to use our best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEND gets the support they need. We have a designated teacher (Director of SEND/SENDCO) who is responsible for coordinating the SEND provision who, along with class teachers, will communicate with parents to ensure they are fully involved in discussions about support for their child.

How will the curriculum be matched to meet my child’s needs?
SEND support in our school is matched carefully to the needs of each child. High quality first teaching in the classroom means that activities and tasks can be adjusted by the subject teacher to ensure they are matched to the child’s needs. We also use a wide range of interventions and programmes devised to support pupils’ learning. These are taught in a range of settings; in small groups or one-to-one, in the classroom or sometimes in learning areas outside the classroom and are delivered by a number of staff.

How will I know how my child is doing?
The progress of pupils with SEND is reported through the school’s usual reporting systems, as well as through SEND Reviews and meetings, phone calls, emails, letters and Parents’ Evenings. In addition, open communication is encouraged and parents are always welcome to make an appointment via phone call or email, as and when the need arises.

How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Parents are invited to attend Review Meetings and Parents’ Evenings where they can gain information as to how they can best support their child’s learning. The SENDCO is able to signpost parents to other sources of information and support e.g. the Local Offer, voluntary agencies. The SENDCO has information for parents on a range of different SEND. Parents are welcome to contact class teachers for advice on supporting learning in specific areas of the curriculum.

What support will there be to support my child’s overall well-being?
At Crowle Primary Academy we recognise that pupils learn best when they feel happy and secure. With this in mind, all staff work hard to raise pupils’ self-esteem. We are particularly aware that pupils with SEND may be more vulnerable to low self-esteem and staff use a range of strategies to try and balance against this e.g. giving roles of responsibility, reward systems, verbal praise and encouragement, highlighting their strengths and talents including those outside of the school curriculum.

How is the SEND Provision at Crowle Primary Academy evaluated?
The SENDCO, in conjunction with teaching staff and the Leadership Team, is responsible for monitoring the provision of SEND. We will regularly review the impact of the work we do through data monitoring, observations, feedback from staff and pupils and self-evaluation processes.

The effectiveness of SEND provision is evaluated through a variety of means including;

• assessment and formal examination results

• attendance data

• rates of exclusions

• tracking and progress data

• regular SEND reviews with parents

• regular communication between teaching staff and the SENDCO

• seeking advice and guidance from other professionals and agencies

What specialist services are accessed by the school?
School can access expertise and advice from other professionals such as Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Autism Service, links with Specialist Schools and voluntary agencies. If a child is receiving care from an NHS service such as CAMHS the school will liaise with other professionals involved to provide the best support for the child.

What training have staff supporting pupils with SEND had or are receiving?
Teaching and support staff have training around the Code of Practice with a number of staff having had additional training around specific needs.  Training around SEND is an ongoing part of the school’s training programme. The SENDCO is a qualified teacher who is supported by the RLT SENDCO who specialises in the learning of pupils with SEND and holds the relevant SEND qualifications.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom?
School will endeavour to enable all pupils to access activities outside the classroom. This may mean providing additional adult support for a child whilst on a trip or activity. All pupils are encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities.

How accessible is the school environment?
The school has necessary adaptations to make it accessible. The fire escape routes are suitable for all and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans are in place to ensure all disabled pupils can be safely evacuated in an emergency. Please refer to the school Accessibility Policy for details

How will the school support my child in starting Secondary school and moving on?
The class teacher and the SENDCO will communicate with secondary school settings and parents prior to the child leaving Crowle Primary Academy to ensure any useful and relevant information is shared prior. If any SEND have already been identified, the school will invite the SENDCO from the secondary school to attend a review in the summer term prior to them starting school. Extra visits are planned for pupils with SEND in addition to the usual induction days. This enables them to become more familiar with the new school and meet staff who may be supporting them.

How are decisions made about how much support my child will receive?
Decisions about the level of support a child should receive are made on the basis of need. Information is gathered about the needs of pupils with SEND throughout the school and the SENDCO draws up a Provision Map which allows school to allocate the available resources and support appropriately. The SENDCO works closely with the Headteacher to make the most efficient use of the available funding for SEND in the school.

Who can parents contact for further information?
The Director of SEND, Miss J Walker, and class teachers are contactable for further details of how Crowle Primary Academy meets the needs of pupils with SEND.  School Governors oversee SEND in our Academy.

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