Elf Owls 2023 - 2024

Mrs Pearce

Mrs Parkin

Welcome to Elf Owls class page 


Our teacher is Mrs Pearce

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Curry and Mrs Burton. 

We are an inquisitive class, who love hands on learning. 


A few helpful reminders

Friday - Outdoor PE

Monday - Indoor PE 


Children can come to school in their PE kit.

Please ensure you log your childs reading in their reading record each week. Aim for three reads as a minimum.

Check School Spider and Tapestry for weekly homework.

Encourage your child to play on Numbots. We expect children to learn on here at least three times a week.


To help your child learn you could

-Listen to them read at least three times a week, more would be fantastic!

-Talk to them about their school day.

-Ensure they have their book bag every day.

-Send them in their PE kit on a Tuesday and Wednesday (please remove earrings before coming to school)

-Read the curriculum overview and consider if you can support your child with any of the learning. 

-Keep an eye on the website for weekly class updates, celebrations and academy news.

-Upload significant learning and events for your child to Tapestry.

- Complete the weekly homework set on School Spider, including - learning on Numbots three times a week and completing spellings learning.


If you have any questions or queries, please ask! 




Elf Owls: News items

Sports afternoon, by Mrs Pearce

Artwork, by Mrs Pearce

Elf Owls: Display work items

There are no Display work items to display

Elf Owls: Events items

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