Forest Owls 2024 - 2025
Mrs Nightingale
Welcome to year 5 Forest Owls class page!
Our teacher is Mrs Nightingale.
We enjoy learning and are resilient when faced with challenge.
Weekly Home Learning
Reading Records
Children are asked to read to an adult at home a minimum of 3 times per week and log these in their reading records. These will be checked by a teacher on Tuesdays.
Times Table Rock Stars
Children are asked to practise their times tables three times a week using Times Tables Rock Stars.
A few helpful reminders:
Spellings are posted on Purple Mash.
Homework is set and checked on Purple Mash by a teacher.
3 weekly reads are checked and celebrated by a teacher.
Outdoor PE.
Indoor PE.
Spelling Test.
Times Tables Rockstars are celebrated in assembly.
To help your child learn, you could:
- Talk to them about their school day
- Listen to them read at least three times per week
- Practise times tables regularly
- Help them to learn spellings
"Reading is a passport to countless adventures" -Mary Pope Osborne
Keep an eye on the website for weekly class updates, celebrations and Academy news.
Forest Owls: News items
Forest Owls Retrieval Games, by Mrs Nightingale
Forest Owls Let's Think in English, by Mrs Nightingale
Forest Owls Football, by Mrs Nightingale
Forest Owls: Display work items
There are no Display work items to display