
The Academy’s current admissions arrangements adhere to the criteria contained in the North Lincolnshire Schools’ Guide. The academy has a single entry admission arrangement. This is where a child is admitted into reception in September if their fifth birthday is before 31st August.

We also have a Nursery in our Foundation Unit. Nursery children are offered 15 hours flexible funded places for either full-day beginning of the week / end of the week, according to their age, need and space in the unit.

We also offer a number of 30 hour places for parents who are eligible for funding. These places are very limited.

Parents can also pay for top up nursery places (for example an extra session on a Friday afternoon). 

Children are eligible for places the term after they reach their third birthday.

The academy operates a waiting list and has a policy on place allocation.    

General information about admissions (North Lincolnshire Council)

Apply for a school place in North Lincolnshire


If you have not been offered a place at the school you have requested, you can make a school admission appeal against the decision.

Please contact North Lincolnshire Admissions if you wish to make an appeal. Click here for more information about a school appeal in North Lincolnshire.

Published Admissions Arrangements for 2025/26 for the North Lincolnshire Area

The determined admission arrangements for 2025/26 for currently open schools and academies in the North Lincolnshire area can be found via the link below:
Admission arrangements 2025-26 - North Lincolnshire Council (

Any interested party has the opportunity until 15 May 2024 to object to the determined admission arrangements if they contain practices or criteria that they consider do not comply with the law or the mandatory provisions of the schools admissions code. Further information on how to make an objection can be obtained from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator

The coordinated schemes for North Lincolnshire for 2025/26 can be found via the link: Co-ordinated Admission Schemes 2025-26 - North Lincolnshire Council (

The Rose Learning Trust Admissions Policy for 2025/2026 can be found here: Rose Learning Trust Admissions Policy 25/26 - North Lincs

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