Parent/ Teacher Meetings

Parent/ teacher consultation meetings are held twice a year, once in the autumn term and once in the summer term (a full school report will be sent to parents in the spring term). 

A parent consultation was held at the end of the 2020-21 and 2023-24 academic year to ask parents if they would prefer all face to face meetings or were happy to keep to one online/ telephone appointment and one face to face. Parents informed us that they were happy to keep one appoinitment via the telephone/ online.  

Appointments for consultations must be booked via the school website (school spider). Parents will be able to use their log in details to access the parent area on the website or on the app and choose the appointment they would like. 

To prepare for the meetings held online parents are asked to watch the video via the link below to help them understand how to get into the meeting and some of the protocols that we are asking parents to follow during the meeting.

Meetings will last approximately 10 minutes; should longer meetings be required then these can be arranged for a different date.





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