Elf Owls: News items

Sports afternoon, by Mrs Pearce

Artwork, by Mrs Pearce

Forest Schools, by Mrs Pearce

Geography field trip, by Mrs Pearce

Mastering number, by Mrs Pearce

Teddy bears picnic, by Mrs Pearce

Busy times, by Mrs Pearce

The past few weeks, by Mrs Pearce

Busy week in Elf Owls, by Mrs Pearce

Interfaith Art, by Mrs Pearce

A busy week, by Mrs Pearce

History learning, by Mrs Pearce

A sporty week, by Mrs Pearce

Regrouping, by Mrs Pearce

Maths and writing, by Mrs Pearce

King's Coronation artwork, by Mrs Pearce

A busy week of technology, by Mrs Pearce

Writing Experience Day, by Mrs Pearce

Maths meeting, by Mrs Pearce

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