Our Display work

Class of 2024, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 3:17pm

Well done and good luck to our class of 2024. 

Steel drum band, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 16th Jul 2024 @ 7:13pm

Well done to our steel drum band who played in our music concert. You all did a fantastic job!


New corridor displays, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 1st Jun 2024 @ 3:57pm

A big thank you to all for the hard work that has gone into our fantastic new corridor dosplays! 

PGL Caythorpe Court, May 2024, Year 6, Eagle Owls, by Mrs Fawcett

Date: 31st May 2024 @ 9:56am

The Year 6 children had a fantastic time at PGL this year. The weather was sunny and they were able to enjoy activities such as abseiling, climbing wall, zip wire, high ropes, rifle shooting and Jacob's ladder. 

Silly hair/ silly hat day, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 12:30pm

Today is our silly hat/ silly hair day to raise money for our trust charity -The Yorkshire Air Ambulance. These are some outstanding examples of the fun we have had. Well done to our overall winner who wins a children's hair cut at Quintessential Hair, Crowle. 

The Great Crowle Egg Drop 2024, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 4:58pm

Well done year 6 who were triumphant with their egg 'seggma'! Unfortunately there was some scrambled eggs! 

Hill House Spelling Bee, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm

A massive well done to the children who competed in the spelling bee at Hill House School this week. We thought you did brilliantly! 

Trust choir, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 3:37pm

We are super proud of our children who joined other children from across the trust and performed with the trust choir at the Robin Hood Festival. You did brilliantly! Thank you to all the adults who supported them. 

Scunthorpe United, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 11:34am

We had a fantastic visit to Scunthorpe United on Saturday. A massive thank you to Jackson Stapleton accountants for organising the box and the refreshments. We had a fantastic time watching the game and even had a visit from Annie Fanny and all her panto friends! 

Displays, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 6:11pm

Take a look at the fantastic curriculum displays that have been put up in the corridors! 

Hampers, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 18th Dec 2023 @ 4:29pm

A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to our Christmas Hamper appeal, we made some fantastic food boxes to help those families in need this year.

Rocksteady, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 5:21pm

Well done to our bands who performed again at this term's rocksteady concert, you did so well, we definitely rocked out! 

Year 3 and 4 Carol service, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 5:17pm

Well done to year 3 and 4 who performed their Christms carols for their parents. They did a great job and what a wonderful turn out we had!

Year 1 and 2 Carol performance, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 5:04pm

A big well done to year 1 and 2 who braved the cold to perform their carol service for their parents outside. They were amazing. Thank you to all who came to join us. 

Year 5 and 6 Carol Service, St Oswald's church, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 13th Dec 2023 @ 4:41pm

Year 5 and 6 visited St Oswald's church for their Carol service. We were blown away by the standard of singing by the soloists and the choir. It was a fantastic service and it was great to see so many of our parents joining us. Thank you to those at the church for helping to organise the event. 

Remembrance day, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 2:59pm

A massive thank you to the children who represented Crowle at the remembrance day wreath laying last weekend. We are so proud of you 

A trip to Ethiad, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 8:49pm

What a wonderful time the children had visiting the Ethiad Stadium. Thank you to those from Get Ahead who organised this fantastic experience

Year 6 leavers assembly, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 21st Jul 2023 @ 1:02pm

Well done to year 6 for a fantastic final assembly, proving that Crowle really has got talent! 

Home learning Heroes, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 3:25pm

Well done to those children who have comepleted every peice of homework this year. We hope you enjoyed your ice-cream treat. 

Year 6 fun day, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 5:17pm

Even with the rain the year 6 children had a great time this morning. No pictures of the swimming this afternoon but the rain didn't spoil that either! 

Day 3 PGL, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 12:43pm

The last day was the best! Followed by a great night’s sleep we were ready for all of the challenges. We faced Jacob’s ladder, the climbing wall, orienteering and the giant swing. We all celebrated Mrs Fawcett’s birthday and headed home a very tired bunch!  

Day 2 PGL, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 12:37pm

This was a jam packed day, vertical challenge, abseiling , zip wire and trapeze during the day followed by toasted marshmallows at the campfire. We then headed back and had a corridor disco. A great day was had by all! 

Day 1 PGL 2023, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 20th May 2023 @ 2:38pm

We arrived and settled in very quickly! Tea was amazing and we headed off for our first night activity (balloon splash). After lots of fun we headed back to get ready for bed, we had a corridor disco in our PJs and settled down to sleep. We were all in bed and quite for 10.30pm. What a wonderful first day! 

Hill House visit, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 22nd Mar 2023 @ 3:49pm

Some year 4 children visited Hill House school and took part in an activity to create multi-media art pieces. We had a great time. 

First aid training, by Ms Blakemore

Date: 23rd Oct 2022 @ 5:50pm

Last weekend some staff spent the day completing their first aid training. Some were better at making slings than others, mentioning no names Mrs Highton :) 

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